Digital Street Furniture
Reach more people every day while they travel in vehicles, walk downtown or shop in city centers using digital street level advertising. Daktronics Digital Street Furniture displays position digital advertising and timely information at eye level, where they are most likely to influence consumers traveling through public spaces.

Sun-Cutting Brightness
Daktronics LED street furniture features some of the brightest imagery in the industry and is built to withstand full-sun conditions. Adjustable brightness options showcase crisp, high-resolution videos so advertisers look their best.
Clear Image Quality
Our SMD LEDs produce richer colors and crisp details for exceptional image quality at close distances, ideal for real-life imagery, small text and intricate detail.
High-Efficiency Design
Our high-contrast module design paired with advanced LED technology requires less power consumption while maintaining image quality.
Adaptive, Customizable and Easy to Install
Several mounting applications include pole, wall, flag or pedestal. Adaptive and customizable with easy configuration, our digital street furniture is easy to install. Whether walk-up, public space, metropolitan center or semi outdoor, your needs are covered.