Get out of the Rut – and into People’s Minds – with Unusual Digital LED Signage
Out of Home professionals are getting creative. Are you keeping up?
Categories: Out of Home Advertising

Have you ever been walking or driving somewhere when a digital sign absolutely stopped you in your tracks? Even when you’re in the out of home business, it can happen.
When it does, take note. What about that digital display caught your eye and held it? Was it the location? The particular crispness of the LED display? The format of the sign itself? Was there something about the content that made you stop and stare? Or was it a combination?
This blog explores some examples of the most eye-catching displays out there. If you’re looking for some jaw-dropping inspiration, you’re in the right place.
Going vertical
Book Your Billboard placed this vertical billboard near the interstate in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. With a sign that’s shaped more like a smart phone than a traditional billboard, coordinating marketing messages between social media campaigns and digital billboard content is simple.

“We look at it from a user engagement standpoint,” adds co-owner Zach Neugebauer. “There’s more square footage of the screen closer to the road. Vertical brings it closer and drives engagement of the consumer up. Plus, it’s unique. It allows advertisers to showcase their products. They can do a full body image of the product or a person to make a strong personal connection.”
See the full story here, or check out another example of a vertical board, along with details and specs here.
Changing shape and structure
Don’t get us wrong – a standard, rectangular digital billboard with solid content can do a fantastic job of catching the eye. It’s a proven way for advertisers to make an impact.
But sometimes it makes sense to do something a little more, well, radical.
Installing a curved display, an unusual shape, or even an unexpected frame can really create that “wow” factor. If you’d like to see some examples, visit these blogs: “How to Make Sure You Get the “Wow” – Daktronics” and “Catching Attention with Unique Exterior LED Signage – Daktronics“
Let’s light it up!
Are you ready to build a jaw-dropping, eye-catching, “Did you see THAT?” kind of sign? Let’s get started. If you can imagine it, Daktronics can make it happen. Go to our website to see everything from unusual shapes to 3D forced perspective content. Schedule a free consultation, and get ready to make an impression.