Bringing New Displays to Life at Angel Stadium
When the Los Angeles Angels decided to upgrade their LED technology, they looked to improve the visual experience at their ballpark with the installation of more than 23,000 square feet of LED displays – the most of any MLB stadium.
Daktronics Control Panel on 8/23/2018
Categories: Pro Sports and Colleges

When the Los Angeles Angels decided to upgrade their LED technology, they
looked to improve the visual experience at their ballpark with the installation of
more than 23,000 square feet of LED displays – the most of any MLB stadium. The
project included the third largest video display in the majors as well as the first
ever LED corner wraps to show graphics and content on the left and right edges of
the main video display in a seamless fashion.
Because it had been 10+ years since the team last installed new LED displays, the
production team was faced with the monumental task of designing and resizing
content for a full game with new and unique installations throughout the stadium.
The Angels understood that by choosing a manufacturer that could provide
display, control and creative solutions, they could reach their objectives with a
partner that fully understood what it would take to achieve their goals from every
aspect of the operation.
To support the Angels production team, Daktronics provided a content allotment
with the equipment purchase to provide the team with a strong foundation of
content elements. After attending a game during the 2017 season to assess the
current production prior to this installation, Daktronics Creative Services was better
able to understand exactly what the Angels would need to take their production
to the next level. The Daktronics team continued the thorough discovery process
with on-site meetings. These in-depth conversations allowed Daktronics to review
numerous scoring and display layouts, and develop a clear understanding of the
Angels brand and digital content style.
Creative Service proceeded through a wireframe process carving out spaces
across each of the displays to illustrate what content would play where, how each
of these elements would transition from one to another and how sponsor content
could be incorporated. This process ensured that all display space was used in the
best way possible.
Creative Services delivered 34 unique projects for 10 different displays. Elements
such as lower thirds, tombstones and logo bumpers were created and delivered
in a way that allowed them to be played through the clip server, creating
cohesiveness between all content elements on each display.
Interested in working with our Professional Services team? Contact us today! For more info on our installation at Angel Stadium, visit our website.