Ready, Set, BLAST OFF with the New Venus Control Suite Launchpad!
Venus Control Suite is making some big changes! When users log in, they will experience a different ‘home screen’ experience, called the Launchpad and will have access to the new Monitoring app for their display monitoring needs.
David Grotzinger on 10/13/2022
Categories: Pro Sports and Colleges, Venus Control Suite Training

The new Launchpad will be replacing the Dashboard page that you see when you first log in. The dashboard will now be the Monitoring App.
We are currently working on the new Launchpad which will provide a more streamlined navigational experience when you first log in. Here’s a preview of what we’re working on below.
The Launchpad will present your account information such as username and package as well as provide quick and easy access to all of your Venus apps. The Launchpad is made to enhance your workflows shown by the quick upload, and a “Getting Started” sections.
These new features will streamline creating and scheduling content as well as navigating between the various apps in the software.
Monitoring App
The Monitoring app is where you’ll be able to check the status of your display.
Just like in the current Dashboard, you’ll see your recently played messages on your display. If you have a webcam you’ll be able to check that as well, and you can see the status of your display. All of the features you’ve grown to love are now in a cleaner, sleeker look to compliment the other apps within VCS.
If you have the Professional or Enterprise package, you’ll see Liveview which will show you exactly what is playing on your display at that moment to help you schedule with confidence and quickly troubleshoot any content issues that may arise. For those not in these packages, you’ll retain the Recent view that you’ve always had.
If you have more than 15 displays, you will see a condensed view of the tiles that can be easily expanded to see all of the above information.
You’ll also have filters on the right so you can sort your displays a specific way and can even quickly pull up any displays that are experiencing errors.
Be sure to tune into our blog and other Daktronics resources for updates on these and other great new features that have been introduced to the Scheduling App!